Livestreamed press preview “Presence and Innovation”
Monday, February 8th 9:30-10:00
During Stockholm Design Week 2021, Interior Cluster Sweden will be presenting Presence and Innovation - a collaboration with 26 companies, Beckmans College of Design, Svenskt Trä and Swedish Design Movement. The collaboration aims to pay tribute and highlight Swedish design and sustainability, and will take place at Stockholms Auktionsverk. The initiative speaks to the global industry as a whole, a reminder that we on the continued path forward stand stronger together.
Participating companies: Abstracta, Albin i Hyssna, Baux, Blå Station, Bolon, Dux, Efg, Fabrikant, Folkform, G.A.D, Gemla Fabrikers, Green Furniture, Gärsnäs, Johanson Design, Källemo, Lammhults, Mylhta, Nola, Offecct, Ogeborg, STEEL by Göhlin, Stolab, Storängen Design, String Furniture, Zero and Välinge Innovation.
Partners: Inside Swedish Design, Beckmans College of Design, Svenskt Trä and Swedish Design Movement.
Press inquiries regarding Inside Swedish Design Presence and Innovation can be forwarded to, Sanna Westin, Head of Accounts, Grand Relations.
Editorial images for download available via Grand Relations' image bank from February 8th, 10am CET.
See our other talks here:
In English Monday February 8th
Press preview ”Presence and Innovation”
In Swedish Tuesday February 9th
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